How do we understand the phrase flying pig ? This sounds like a silly question (and later on I will show that it is) but people can get quite emotional about it. In a recent blog post , for example, Greg Hickok took Ben Bergen to task for things Ben said about a flying pig in an interview on NPR . Flying pig you ask? Yes, it was a comment that Ben made about a flying pig that set Greg off in what someone on Twitter called an “epic rant.” An epic rant about a flying pig: what could be better than that? (In truth the rant was about more than just the pig but I hope you forgive my fascination with the pig.) What did Ben say about the pig? Here is the transcript of his interview. Ben first sets the NPR listeners’ minds at ease: a flying pig isn't something that actually exists in the real world . I like the no-nonsense approach here, but then Ben immediately veers into the danger zone: Yet when we read those words we see one in our mind's eye. Most people ...